Sunday, May 31, 2020

anxiety vs panic disorder

as can be seen above, panic is more severe than anxiety :-)


Friday, May 15, 2020

Schneiderian (1959) First-Rank Symptoms (FRS) of Schizophrenia

re: who is kurt schneider (+ 1967)
fr: wikipedia

>a german psychiatrist

>known for the DIAGNOSIS & understanding of Schizophrenia & Personality Disorders (then known as "psychopathic personalities" -- based on personality traits of prostitutes)

>mentor: philosopher MAX SCHELER (co-founder of the phenomenological movement in philosophy) who guided him in his postgraduate philos studies in 1921; schneider used scheler's THEORY OF EMOTIONS in his study

>significant contributions:

-- re: diagnosis of mood disorders
-->applied PHENOMENOLOGY in Psychiatry in "The stratification of emotional life & the structure of depressive states" (1920) where he distinguished (1) endogenous / melancholic (biological) vs (2) reactive DEPRESSION (more seen on OPD service users)

-- re: diagnosis of psychosis
-->defined DELUSION in form [s] vs content [o], i.e., by the way the belief is held vs the belief itself (like Karl Jaspers)

>lived through WWI (as a soldier) & WWII (as MD)

>director of the German Psychiatric Research Institute in Munich, but RESIGNED due to Nazi's eugenics project!

>& because of his non-eugenics stand, he was made Dean of the Medical School, Heidelberg University till his retirement in 1955

>co-founded Heidelberg school of Psychiatry with philosopher KARL JASPERS

re: interesting additional notes on FORMS OF AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS: voice/s...

1. repeating service user's (SU's) thoughts OUT LOUD
2. discussing SU or arguing about SU referring to S in THIRD PERSON
3. discussing SU's thoughts AS or BEFORE they OCCUR
4. COMMENTING on SU's thoughts & actions

re: 2 kinds of DELUSIONS

1. primary delusion = belief arising suddenly "out of a clear blue sky" form a NORMAL perception [o]

2. delusional perception = belief that a NORMAL perception has a specific SIGNIFICANCE or MEANING [s]


>reliability of the FRS has been questioned (Bertelsen 2002, pp. 89-93); but may be experienced more by SUs with DID (dissociative identity disorder) than Schiz (Spiegel et al. 2011, pp. 824-853); though they lack the negative symptoms of Schiz & normally do not mistake hallucinations for reality (Cardena & Gleaves 2007, [[/ 473-503).

thought alienation

source: >thought alienation

= psychotic symptom in which patients feel their thoughts are in some way no longer within their CONTROL, including:

1. thought INSERTION*

2. thought WITHDRAWAL**

3. thought BROADCASTING***

all these are considered Schneiderian first-rank symptoms highly indicative of Schizophrenia

1. source: >thought-insertion
*thought insertion. a delusion in which the individual believes that thoughts have been irresistibly forced into his or her mind and ascribes these thoughts to outside sources.

2. source: >thought-withdrawal
**In psychiatry, thought withdrawal is the delusional belief that thoughts have been 'taken out' of the patient's mind, and the patient has no power over this. It often accompanies thought blocking. ... This delusion is one of Schneider's first rank symptoms for schizophrenia.

3. source:
**thought BROADCASTING = belief that others can HEAR or are AWARE of one's thoughts (mild form: service user DOUBTS such a perception) 

types of OCD

source: >blog >types-ocd-get-bre

1. checking

2. contamination

3. mental contamination

4. hoarding

5. rumination


my comment: i can relate to # 6, which is a symptom of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder)! :-)

4As of Schizophrenia by Paul Eugen Bleuler

source: >paul-eugen-bleuler (swiss psychiatrist, student & self-analyzed by freud, taught jung as doctoral student, resigned from the international psychoanalytic association in 1911 because he did not believe in the"all-or-nothing" principle in psychiatry)

1. disturbance of A = affect
2. disturbance of A= association
3. A = ambivalence
4. A = autism

source: wikipedia

1-3 = directly caused by underlying biological process

>known for coining the word SCHIZOPHRENIA (1908) to replace Emil Kraeplin's "dementia praecox", also SCHIZOID, & AUTISMA

>believed that no one ever completely gets "cured" from schiz, but progressively deteriorates vs mere recurrence

>as a "eugenicist," he advocated for the STERILIZATION of patients diagnosed with or were predisposed to schiz (citing natural selection)

>dynamics involved in schiz, SPLIT BETWEEN FEELING AND THINKING FUNCTIONS of the personality (Gregory 2004, p. 697).

>he was also against INSTITUTIONALIZATION, instead encouraged integration with the community

>author: Textbook of Psychiatry (1916)

>critique: "Bleuler is not credited of ever having healed a single patient. Like Sigmund Freud, he EXPERIMENTED on patients in his care, many were (1) sterilized & many (2) committed suicide (Huevns & Ghaemi 2004, p. 353).