Friday, May 15, 2020

thought alienation

source: >thought alienation

= psychotic symptom in which patients feel their thoughts are in some way no longer within their CONTROL, including:

1. thought INSERTION*

2. thought WITHDRAWAL**

3. thought BROADCASTING***

all these are considered Schneiderian first-rank symptoms highly indicative of Schizophrenia

1. source: >thought-insertion
*thought insertion. a delusion in which the individual believes that thoughts have been irresistibly forced into his or her mind and ascribes these thoughts to outside sources.

2. source: >thought-withdrawal
**In psychiatry, thought withdrawal is the delusional belief that thoughts have been 'taken out' of the patient's mind, and the patient has no power over this. It often accompanies thought blocking. ... This delusion is one of Schneider's first rank symptoms for schizophrenia.

3. source:
**thought BROADCASTING = belief that others can HEAR or are AWARE of one's thoughts (mild form: service user DOUBTS such a perception) 

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