Friday, May 15, 2020

4As of Schizophrenia by Paul Eugen Bleuler

source: >paul-eugen-bleuler (swiss psychiatrist, student & self-analyzed by freud, taught jung as doctoral student, resigned from the international psychoanalytic association in 1911 because he did not believe in the"all-or-nothing" principle in psychiatry)

1. disturbance of A = affect
2. disturbance of A= association
3. A = ambivalence
4. A = autism

source: wikipedia

1-3 = directly caused by underlying biological process

>known for coining the word SCHIZOPHRENIA (1908) to replace Emil Kraeplin's "dementia praecox", also SCHIZOID, & AUTISMA

>believed that no one ever completely gets "cured" from schiz, but progressively deteriorates vs mere recurrence

>as a "eugenicist," he advocated for the STERILIZATION of patients diagnosed with or were predisposed to schiz (citing natural selection)

>dynamics involved in schiz, SPLIT BETWEEN FEELING AND THINKING FUNCTIONS of the personality (Gregory 2004, p. 697).

>he was also against INSTITUTIONALIZATION, instead encouraged integration with the community

>author: Textbook of Psychiatry (1916)

>critique: "Bleuler is not credited of ever having healed a single patient. Like Sigmund Freud, he EXPERIMENTED on patients in his care, many were (1) sterilized & many (2) committed suicide (Huevns & Ghaemi 2004, p. 353).

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