Thursday, November 30, 2023

meconium aspiration syndrome & ASD = 7x/normal

 from ms bing chat 2023 nov 30

Saturday, November 25, 2023

psychopath vs sociopath

 (20+) Dark psychology and manipulation. | Facebook

Psychopaths and sociopaths are both characterized by a lack of empathy and conscience, but there are some key differences between the two. Psychopaths are typically born with their condition, while sociopaths are believed to be more influenced by their environment. Psychopaths are also more likely to be manipulative and deceitful, while sociopaths may be more impulsive and aggressive.


Fr: Barb Chiqovani
The main differences I’d say are:
1. Sociopaths are more influenced by their emotions than psychopaths are, psychopaths might not even experience emotions at times.
2. Psychopaths are more likely to be sadistic and commit serious crimes than sociopaths.
3. Sociopaths can love pets and people outside of their family, while psychopaths can’t. Psychopaths typically don’t even view their wife or husband as family.
4. Sociopaths are more impulsive than psychopaths, but also more cautious than psychopaths.
5. Psychopaths are more paranoid and suspicious of the environment around - they also display far more social awareness than sociopaths.

Both of them are extremely unlikely to think that they need help or that they have a problem… Sociopaths and psychopaths don’t usually seek therapy.

Friday, November 24, 2023

F51.3 Parasomnia, Somnabolism (FIRST CASE)

... secondary to G47.3 Sleep Apnea

13M only child, M: early retired teacher to look after only son, F: died of illness

onset: a year after F died

5 YRS PTC, Dx "Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea [Gk. a = no + pnoei = breathing] & Hypopnea [>Gk. hypo = below + pnoia = breath] (Low Respiratory Rate) Syndrome"

probably aggravated, since M showed me a video when C was a child having sleepwalking -- agitated & crying (seems to have night terror)

personality: appear schizoid to me, did not fill up drawings for happy memories & best version of self; experienced anxiety upon entry to new school as Gr 7, then again at Gr 8 for the first few months due to having new classmates

                    : appeared effeminate to me based on how he moved, which our janitress affirmed when i asked her

referred to PCMC: pedia pulmo & pedia psycha


Thursday, November 23, 2023

mania vs hypomania

 Mania - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (

Dailey & Saadabai, 2023 (National Institute of Health)

"Mania is a period of 1 week or more in which a person experiences a change in normal behavior that drastically affects their functioning. Mania can be distinguished from hypomania in that hypomania does not cause a major deficit in social or occupational functioning, and involves a period of at least 4 days rather than at least 1 week. The defining characteristics of mania include increased talkativeness, rapid speech, a decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-directed activity, and psychomotor agitation. Some other hallmarks of mania are an elevated or expansive mood, mood lability, impulsivity, irritability, and grandiosity."

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

severe anxiety with psychotic features


Anxiety Psychosis: What it is and How to Control it (

Anxiety Psychosis Treatment

Experts theorize that the reason the brain tends to have psychosis-like symptoms during extreme anxiety is that the brain doesn't know how to cope with extreme stress, and uses some of the symptoms of psychosis as coping mechanisms.

In many ways, stress overloads the brain so strongly that many of its functions shut down in order to be less affected by the stress. Once the anxiety decreases the brain no longer needs to protect itself and the symptoms go away.

So in many ways, part of reducing the psychosis is simply waiting it out.

There are ways to get yourself "back" to reality. Psychologists often advise utilizing your senses to make sure you feel yourself in the present. For example, running your hands under cool water and then focusing on the cool feeling can "snap" you back to the present. Focusing on different objects and describing the colors, smells, and sounds can help too. These activities essentially ground you in reality so that you're not stuck in your thoughts.

Friday, November 3, 2023

guilt vs shame


my conclusion: guilt is OBJECTIVE & PARTIAL (not always bad), shame is SUBJECTIVE & TOTAL (always bad / negative). Catholic teaching (from St Augustine): Hate the SIN, love the SINNER.

GUILT: "I regret having done something wrong. I wish I had done something differently."

SHAME: "There's something wrong with ME (whether or not I have done something objectively wrong). I'm failing to live up to expectations."

Shame, therefore, tends to PREOCCUPY people more than guilt because it can chip away at our sense of SELF-WORTH and lead to feelings of HOPELESSNESS.