Saturday, November 25, 2023

psychopath vs sociopath

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Psychopaths and sociopaths are both characterized by a lack of empathy and conscience, but there are some key differences between the two. Psychopaths are typically born with their condition, while sociopaths are believed to be more influenced by their environment. Psychopaths are also more likely to be manipulative and deceitful, while sociopaths may be more impulsive and aggressive.


Fr: Barb Chiqovani
The main differences I’d say are:
1. Sociopaths are more influenced by their emotions than psychopaths are, psychopaths might not even experience emotions at times.
2. Psychopaths are more likely to be sadistic and commit serious crimes than sociopaths.
3. Sociopaths can love pets and people outside of their family, while psychopaths can’t. Psychopaths typically don’t even view their wife or husband as family.
4. Sociopaths are more impulsive than psychopaths, but also more cautious than psychopaths.
5. Psychopaths are more paranoid and suspicious of the environment around - they also display far more social awareness than sociopaths.

Both of them are extremely unlikely to think that they need help or that they have a problem… Sociopaths and psychopaths don’t usually seek therapy.

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