Friday, November 24, 2023

F51.3 Parasomnia, Somnabolism (FIRST CASE)

... secondary to G47.3 Sleep Apnea

13M only child, M: early retired teacher to look after only son, F: died of illness

onset: a year after F died

5 YRS PTC, Dx "Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea [Gk. a = no + pnoei = breathing] & Hypopnea [>Gk. hypo = below + pnoia = breath] (Low Respiratory Rate) Syndrome"

probably aggravated, since M showed me a video when C was a child having sleepwalking -- agitated & crying (seems to have night terror)

personality: appear schizoid to me, did not fill up drawings for happy memories & best version of self; experienced anxiety upon entry to new school as Gr 7, then again at Gr 8 for the first few months due to having new classmates

                    : appeared effeminate to me based on how he moved, which our janitress affirmed when i asked her

referred to PCMC: pedia pulmo & pedia psycha


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